An increased risk of diseases for morbid obesity


Table 1: Научно установен повишен риск за пациенти с болестно затлъстяване да развият следните придружаващи заболявания:

Disease Relative risk to women Relative risk to men
Type II diabetes 12.7 5.2
Hypertension 4.2 2.6
Myocardial Infarction 3.2 1.5
Cancer of the colon 2.7 3.0
Angina 1.8 1.8
Gall bladder diseases 1.8 1.8
Ovarian cancer 1.7
Osteoarthritis 1.4 1.9
Stroke 1.3 1.3

Table 2: Полза от намаляване на теглото с 10 килограма:

Blood pressure Weight loss of 10 kg
Angina 91% reduction in symptoms33%
increase in exercise tolerance
Lipid profile: 10% fall in total cholesterol15% fall in LDL-cholesterol
30% fall in triglycerides
8% increase in HDL-cholesterol
Diabet type 2 >50% reduction in risk of developing diabetes30-50% fall in fasting blood
15% fall in glycosylated haemoglobin

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