We offer the following types of weight loss surgery
- Тhe Golden standard Gastric Roux-Y gastric bypass in patients with Body mass Index over 35.0 and co-morbidity as: Diabetes type 2, sleep apnoea, hypertension, arthritis, Metabolic syndrome or in patients with Body Mass Index over 40.0 and no co-morbidity. Average weight loss within two years after surgery is between 45 and 60 kg / 6 to 12 stones/. The price of the surgery is 4600 Euro with all costs included in that price during the stay in the Hospital
- Mini-gastric laparoscopic / one anastomosis/ bypass in patients with Body Mass Index over 56.0 and history of Diabetes type 2 over 5 years or with that BMI and who like to eat binge food. Patients should not have reflux symptoms before surgery. Average weight loss within 2 years after surgery is between 65 up to 100 kg / 9 to 20 stones/. The price of the surgery is 4600 Euro with all costs included in that price during the stay in the Hospital..
- Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy, where about 80% of patient‘s stomach should be removed. That is pure restrictive procedure and it is indicated in patients with Body Mass Index between 35.0 and 42.0 and in patients over 65 years old. The patients should not have reflux symptoms or a hiatus hernia bigger than 3 cm before surgery. The average weight loss is between 40 and 52 kg / 7 to 9 stones/ within 2 years after surgery. There is a probability for weight regain in 30% of the patients about 3 years after surgery. There are publications in last 2 years that some patients can experience a worsening of reflux after Sleeve gastrectomy and even appearance of Barrett’s oesophagus. The price of the surgery is 4800 Euro with all costs included in that price during the stay in the Hospital.
- We offer placement of intragastric balloon in patients with Body Mass Index between 31.0 and 34.0 or in super obese patients with Body Mass Index over 56.0 or in Morbid Obese patients, who are contraindicated for General Anaesthesia. That is a camera by mouth procedure not a surgery! It is performed under General Anaesthesia and the stay is 24 hours after placement of the balloon. It should be removed from stomach 6 months later again under General Anaesthesia, but no stay in the Hospital is needed. The price of placement and removal of the balloon is 1200 Euro.
- We offer revisional surgery after Sleeve Gastrectomy in patients for regain of weight or worsening of reflux symptoms. The price for the procedure is 4800 Euro and stay in the Hospital is included in the price.
- We offer also revisional surgery in patients with problems after Lap-Band placement as: laparoscopic adjustment of the Band, removal of the Band or reversal from Lap-Band to Gastric bypass. The price of those procedures varies between 2300 and 4600 Euro